I’ve been … Preoccupied 😅
In September 2021 I painted a moon for our neighbour’s little girl, Luna, of the phase of the moon on the night she was born. Actually, I should go back further than that; when one of my BFFs Maria had her daughter in May 2019, I looked up the moon phase for the date her daughter Emily was born and it was a full moon. Months prior Maria had mentioned the novel Emily of New Moon, and I just couldn’t resist painting a pink full moon for her.

Fast forward to November 2021 when I painted by first commissioned moon and created an Instagram account* sharing all of my projects. Then in October 2022 I launched my Etsy page and I’ve been excitedly painting ever since.

I’ve more recently branched out and have made a few stickers. There’s a lot of work that goes into every aspect of Total Eclipse of the Art and I have no idea how long it will last or where it will take me or if it will be enough to become something full time. But for now, BuY MY sTuFF So I doN’T HaVE tO WOrk 😜

*I realized I never explained the pun-worthy name behind my business. Our neighbour Serreh [Luna’s mama] urged me to start something with my moons after I gifted her Luna’s moon. So, one evening, after dinner, I was at the table and we were very non-seriously talking about my moons and the very first name that came to mind was Total Eclipse of the Art. It was terrible and wonderful at the same time. The end.