Lovely mention – Poppytalk, part deux

While scrolling through my daily blog fix yesterday morning, what did my eyes spy, only just another lovely mention from Poppytalk! Hell yeah. Check out number two on their Mini DIY Round-Up …

… featuring my little himmeli tutorial. Well, shucks. After spending a crummy weekend passing in and out of consciousness on my couch* thanks to a lovely stress-induced chest infection, this really cheered me up yesterday. And on that note, god bless penicillin.

Happy crafting all 🙂

*I spent all weekend doing what I think was watching the Olympics. It was all very strange thanks to my fever. Also, am I the only one who gets sick on a Friday evening? There is nothing more infuriating than getting ill moments before the weekend. Seriously. The entire weekend I was a zombie. Does my immune system not take my plans into consideration? 


Lovely mention – Prudence Magazine

I got a call from my mom this morning while I was on my way to work, to say that Hydrangea Girl had a mention in the March / April edition of Prudence magazine! I was pretty excited. I actually had been told months and months ago about it, but since then I was given the heads up that it didn’t make the cut, so I completely forgot about it. It was just the little piece of good news I needed to wake me up from my crusty, groggy, bus-journey-coma this morning.

And what’s this my observant eyes spot – only just the lovely Laura Howard’s blog too, Bugs and Fishes! A lovely blog friend of mine with only a massively successful and crafty website. And I might be more stoked by being mentioned along side Bugs and Fishes! Yeah, I’m a nerd. What an awesome mention. Thanks again, gang at Prudence 🙂

Confessions of a craftaholic

Turn to page 6 of the current March / April issue of House and Home to see a little craft mention featuring yours truly – confessing to my numerous craft habits. This cheeky mention came about when I was joking in  the H&H boardroom about how I’m secretly a 75 year old woman sitting at home knitting, crocheting and cross stitching with a cat or two on my lap. And occasionally a G&T within reach.  

Nothing good comes from joking in the boardroom. Not only is my craft confession mentioned once, but twice! As my co-worker Naoimh said when she saw my pic, my hair kind of looks like a wig in this picture. It was taken a couple of weeks ago when I had an intentional crooked fringe, but crooked fringe is no longer.

In non-crafty news, I started a new job last week, hence my lack of blog hagging. It was one of those first weeks where you’re concentrating so hard all day, that you are rendered completely useless once you get home. Then I slept almost all weekend. But now I’m back in the swing of things, and I have to say I missed blogging terribly, even though it was only 8 days. Yes, I know. I am uber lame.

p.s. I also miss my gang at House and Home 🙁