Work space inpiration

Over the past while there have been changes in my work life. I might write about it at another time, but for now I’m excited / terrified / nervously contemplating the idea of making it on my own. I’ve recently met and been in touch with some seriously inspiring and independent people, which is adding fuel to my imagination. Anyways – yesterday I woke up wanting my own work space. Partly fueled by Pinterest, partly to put some blinders on and have somewhere to sit down and do some hardcore writing {other than in my pyjamas covered in cats on the couch in front of the TV}. 
Husband started the ball rolling by mentioning a single, beautiful word – IKEA. Parental units offered to chauffeur me to said destination, and let’s say we left with a full car. I’m working on the final touches for my new little office nook, and it has me cray. The following pictures I just can’t get out of my head. So much eye-nommage … 

I actually want to eat that gold lamp. It is heaven.
I’m excited to finish my little work space and of course, share it. Just this afternoon I thrifted the perfect lamp for my desk. It is to. Die. For. xx A
Image cred 1, 2 and 3.

Living room makeover – painting update

At long last, our canvas is at peace. After my previous attempt, I knew exactly how I wanted to paint it, and finally finished it late last night.

I’ve really enjoyed uncomplicated artwork as of late, so I thought why not magic some up for myself. I wanted it to pop, for it to remain monochromatic, and something artsy fartsy yet simple going on in the middle. I also chose to hang it up compared to it previously sitting on our shelf, which I think has made a huge difference. 

At the moment I’m conscious of it looking a bit pretentious. But I’m really, really happy with it this time around, so that’s trumping my hesitations. 

And below, the ‘work’ I had done on it previously. I felt a whole mess of guilt painting over it at first thanks to your incredibly sweet and thoughtful comments, but for me, it’s previous state made me want to barf a little I felt wasn’t to its full potential. 

I finished painting late last night, and when husband saw it this morning all I heard was “Woah. That looks a lot better” from down the hallway. Happy face.

I hope you guys had a relaxing and / or refreshing weekend! It’ll be Mothers Day on Sunday here in Ireland so I’m determined for no last minute malarky this year. I have a couple tricks up my sleeve … 

xx A

I love cleaning my dirty pillows

I’m about to sing some praises about a brush. So, if you don’t have a pet or a particularly hairy person in your life, it’s about to get very boring all up in here.

I’m probably the last person to learn about these rubber brushes. Unfortunately, I don’t know the brand of the one I own so I’m already off to a bad start. Alls I know is I picked one up a couple weeks ago from our local Home Store + More.

As a pet owner to two indoor {and incredibly furry} cats, this brush is just what I needed – it claims to brush away all sorts of stuff. We have two shneaky cat cubbies in our living room shelving unit, which both our cats adore. Especially the cubby on the left, which is worse furrier …

Above – the before picture – I let said pillow get particularly furry before I attacked it. I’m all about keeping it real, so take it all in. Previously I would have had to go outside to clean them as best as I could. Keep in mind this is strictly a cat pillow, not a human pillow, so it wasn’t going to be perfect {I don’t want you thinking our entire apartment is like this}.

After a couple of minutes with said brush, the pillow looked like this … It makes me feel all kinds of shiny on the inside.

This brush is great especially on tightly woven fabrics such as velvet or wool, when the odd fluff or fur annoyingly sticks to it. One foul swoop and they’re gone. It has blown my little mind. And after I attacked our entire apartment, I felt very much like this …

Yes, yes.

Image cred 1 and 5.